As I set out to create a blog about reusable menstrual products, I knew I wanted to start by explaining how to take care of them. When I started explaining how to take care of them, I realized quickly that it can get confusing and very wordy to explain. At the same time, it's also NOT really that difficult to care for them. I wanted to find a way to both communicate the important details that make this process work smoothly AND show how simple the process really is. So I wrote some detailed posts explaining all the details of washing and storing cloth pads. Then I took all that information and distilled it into visual form in the form of this flow chart. Behold! The simplest way I can think of (so far) to demonstrate the most important details about how to care for reusable cloth pads. Do you have additional questions about caring for cloth pads? Comment below and I'll be sure to address it in a future post!
For more details about each type of pad, see the following posts: How to Wash Cloth Menstrual Pads How to Wash Cloth Incontinence Pads How to Store Clean Cloth Pads How to Store Used Cloth Pads
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Sarah PeshekMaker of reusable goodness. Categories |